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Mayor Garza Announces He Will Not Seek Re-Election

Bobby Pulido May Run For Congress

Valley Teen Traffic Deaths Up as Seat Belt Use Declines

De La Cruz Names Edinburg Students To Military Academies

Edinburg Festivals for 2025

Perryman Column

The High Economic Cost of the Opioid Crisis

By Dr. Ray Perryman, September 13, 2023 Opioid addiction and overdoses have devasted individuals, families, and communities across the state, nation, and world. The human costs of this health crisis are immeasurable and are the reason that aggressively attacking this crisis is a social and humanitarian imperative. At the same time, there are significant economic…


ECISD Trustees To Discuss Allowing Unlicensed Religious Chaplains In Edinburg Schools

Edinburg, Texas, Sept. 12, 2023 — Edinburg CISD Trustees will consider a resolution and take a recorded vote on whether to allow unlicensed chaplains to provide counseling services to students on campus. As required by Senate Bill 763, the Board will take the vote during today’s meeting. The Board will hold its regular meeting tonight starting…

Perryman Column

Metro Outlook

Dr. M. Ray Perryman, Sept. 12, 2023 Although there are clearly challenges facing the global economy, the outlook for Texas remains largely favorable. Looking within the state, projected growth across all the entire spectrum of diverse metropolitan areas is also positive, though the pace of expansion varies notably. Let’s take a quick look at some…

House Remodeled

Newly Reconstructed Home Granted to Precinct 4 Resident by Hidalgo County Program

Edinburg, TX, Sept. 11, 2023 – In a heartwarming, private ceremony, Hidalgo County Precinct 4 Com. Ellie Torres handed over the keys to a brand-new home to Irma Reyes, a Precinct 4 resident. This occasion is the ongoing efforts to revitalize our community through the Hidalgo County Urban County (UCP) Program’s Homeowner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program (Rehab).  “This initiative…


STC Theatre to hold auditions for November production of Puffs

by Amanda Sotelo, Sept. 7, 2023 South Texas College Theatre will hold auditions for its November main stage production of Puffs or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic by Matt Cox. Auditions will be held in-person on Tuesday, September 12 and Wednesday, September 13 from 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. All…


STISD high schools ranked among the best in the state and nation 

Edinburg Texas, Sept 7, 2023 – Today, U.S. News & World Report published its 2023-2024 Best High Schools Rankings, which included all four South Texas Independent School District (STISD) high schools among the top-ranked schools in the state and nation.   In the state rankings, South Texas ISD Science Academy (Science Academy) in Mercedes ranked 31st, South…

Correa MOST

MOST History to host historian Jesus Correa during the Sunday Speaker Series presentation at 2 p.m. Sept. 10.

Borderlands historian to discuss Cabeza de Vaca journey at MOSTHistory Edinburg, Texas, Sept. 7, 2023 — The Museum of South Texas History will host the Sunday Speaker Series presentation, “Naufragios: Cabeza de Vaca, Castillo Maldonado, Dorantes and Estebanico,” featuring Jesús Correa at 2 p.m. on Sept. 10. Spanish explorer Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca spent…

Dr Jose Garcia

The Fabulous Story of Dr. García’s Gold; MOST History Exhibit opens Sept. 12

Edinburg, Texas, Sept. 7, 2023 — Early in 2022, the Museum of South Texas History received a donation of 400 gold coins along with a fascinating South Texas story. “Dr. García’s Gold,” an exhibit opening Tuesday, Sept. 12, tells the story of gold buried under a house in San Diego, Texas, almost a century ago. The…

Perryman Column

Output by the Numbers

Dr. M. Ray Perryman, Sept. 5, 2023 In a recent column, I described our outlook for Texas job growth by industry. This time around, let’s focus on our projections for output (or gross product). Simply stated, gross product is the final value of all of the goods and services produced in an area. It’s a…

Perryman Column

Big Mac Attack

Dr. M. Ray Perryman, August 29, 2023 The Economist magazine’s Big Mac index was recently released, providing insights into the cost of the classic McDonald’s burger in countries around the world. The index was started in 1986 to provide a quick look at how currencies are trending against one another. The economic concept of purchasing…

New Member Orientation

Edinburg Chamber to Host New Member Orientation on Friday, March 14

Staff Report Edinburg TX -- The Edinburg Chamber...
New Member Orientation

Edinburg Chamber to Host New Member Orientation on Friday, March 14

Staff Report Edinburg TX -- The Edinburg Chamber...