Got a news tip or story idea? Let us know

Edinburg, Texas — Who really knows Edinburg the best? YOU DO!
The Edinburg Advocate welcomes your news and community events stories. Whether it’s a community event, a church event, a school event or just an interesting story about the city you love, we want to know about it.
Send us a short — or a long — description of your idea, and we’ll see how we can use it. We’re always looking for stories. So, just drop us a line to: [email protected].
The Edinburg Advocate is your online newspaper, the only news outlet solely devoted to Edinburg, Texas! We are your online newspaper.
We also welcome “Letters to the Editor” and Opinion pieces. You can email them to: [email protected]Or you can use the form below. Be sure to include all the contact information in case we need to check on details or need more information.
For “Letters To the Editor” and Opinion pieces, your contact information needed to verify the writer. Your contact information will not be released unless you want it included in your article, letter or opinion piece. We do not sell or release this information without your prior permission.
All information submitted will be edited for spelling, grammar and other minor changes for clarity. All opinion pieces and Letters to the Editor are also reviewed for slander and accuracy.