Edinburg Council To Consider Creating A City Charter Review Committee At Tonight’s Meeting

Edinburg Texas, August 15, 2023 – The Edinburg City Council will consider adopting a resolution to creating a Charter Review Committee at tonight’s meeting. The City Council is also expected to approve a contract with a company to review the city’s utility rates and make recommendations for possible changes to utility rates.

According to City Secretary Clarice Y. Balderas, the Home Rule Charter of the City of Edinburg, Texas was adopted and approved on April 5, 1949. The original Charter Amendment Committee was created on May 19, 1964 and has been reconstituted several times over the years to review the City Charter and make recommendations to the City Council on whether or not the City Charter should be amended and if it should be amended, the particular amendments that are deemed necessary.

The Edinburg City Council has discussed the need for charter changes previously and had directed staff to look into the matter. 

The Charter Review Committee will consist of five (5) members appointed by the Edinburg City

Council, and ex-officio members consisting of the City Manager or designee, City Attorney and City Secretary. The committee shall serve and function until such time as their final recommendations are submitted to the City Council.

The City Council is expected to name the five members at tonight’s meeting after approving the resolution creating the committee. They may also charge the Committee with specific topics to address during their work.

In other business, staff are recommending that the city approve the low bid for RFP No. 2023-015, Utility Rate and Connection Fee Study, to Willdan Financial Services in the amount not to exceed $38,920.00, and authorize the City Manager to execute contract documents.

The intent of the study is to evaluate the City’s existing water & sewer fund, budgets, capital improvement plans, financing plans, current usage data, and future growth demands, and existing connection (tap) fee and recommend changes to the rate structure and rate adjustment to fully cover all costs associated with providing water and wastewater service. The study is recommended by the City’s Financial Advisor and Utilities Rate Study Task Force. The study is scheduled to be completed within 120 days from the issuance of the notice to proceed.

The City Council is also expected to approve a resolution in support of the Rio Grande Valley Partnership ‘One Region One Voice’ Initiative and the Compact of the Alliance of the Rio Grande Valley Region of Texas.

The Rio Grande Valley Partnership is a business-friendly nonprofit organization that encourages collaboration among the four counties of our region, consisting of Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr, and Willacy County. The City of Edinburg recognizes the importance of regional partnerships and commits to actively collaborating with other cities and entities within the Rio Grande Valley to foster economic growth, job creation, and community development.