ECISD Intruder Detection Audits Completed

Edinburg TX — January 16, 2022

The Edinburg CISD completed its required Facility Safety and Security Audits, including intruder campus detection protocols, as required by the state of Texas.

ECISD Jesse Garza insurance manager reported during last week’s board meeting that the district had completed the state mandated audits. He pointed out that changes had been implemented after the incident in Uvalde.

According to Garza, the Texas Education Agency and the Texas School Safety Center conducted an audit at some ECISD campuses to test and evaluate if the campuses are accessible to an outside intruder.

Although the information was not made public, board members received a report with three separate audits conducted by the TSSC. 

“Due to the nature of the information on the state intruder campus detection audits, it is in the best interests of the students and staff that we do not share the results with the public to not alter the safety and security measures which ECISD has in place,” Garza explained. “However, rest assured that this information has been shared with campus staff, the school district school safety and security committee, and will be discussed by the superintendent with the school in executive session.”

According to Garza, he met with every school for corrective action. “The District School Safety and Security Committee continues to strive to be proactive and at the forefront to ensure safety at all Edinburg CISD campuses and facilities,” Garza said.

Board member Xavier Salinas asked about additional safety monies that might be available to help the school district improve its security.

Garza responded that two grants are available. Edinburg CISD already submitted one and one that staff is already working on.

Salians also asked whether campus fencing meets the requirements that they be 8 feet tall. He pointed out that some campuses fences are only six feet.

Garza responded that those fences that are six feet have been made compliant with a two-foot extension that includes barbed wire. Those fences that are six feet were installed before the state required the taller 8-foot fences.

According to the Texas School Safety Center, audits are conducted during normal school or facility operations when students or staff are present. Audits should be avoided when the schedule is severely altered, during special testing days, or when operations have ceased.

During the course of the audit, team members should utilize appropriate sections of the District Facility Safety and Security Audit Checklist to ensure a comprehensive assessment of safety and security is conducted. Team members may assess additional components, which can be determined locally. The facility audit checklist is a guide, and some items in the checklist may not be present in some school or district facilities or not be applicable to current operations. The school or district should determine which items from the checklists are appropriate. 

Conducting a safety and security audit of a facility consists of the following:

  1. An assessment of facility and district policies and procedures.
  2. Surveys or interviews of students, teachers, staff, and parents.
  3. An intruder assessment that tests current access control and visitor management procedures at each facility.
  4. A site visit to each facility that includes an interview with the campus administrator, a walk-through and visual assessment of all building interiors and exteriors including grounds, a document review, and an exit conference.
  5. A written report or summary of audit findings for each facility, which includes commendations and recommendations.
  6. Inclusion of results of each facility audit in a comprehensive district report and data included in the submission to the Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC).