Cortez Recovering From Surgery To Remove Cancerous Mass

EDINBURG – Hidalgo County Judge Richard F. Cortez continues to recover after undergoing surgery to remove what turned out to be a cancerous tumor. Subsequent tests found no evidence that the cancer had spread and his prognosis is excellent, doctors have told him.

“I have already survived cancer once so I am sensitive to my body and I recently felt something was not right,” Judge Cortez said. The Judge initially consulted with his son-in-law who is an internist practicing in San Antonio.

The son-in-law immediately made arrangements in San Antonio to evaluate the Judge and, upon discovery of a mass, to remove the mass intact. The surgery was performed January 17, 2023, at Methodist Hospital and Judge Cortez remained hospitalized for another 2 weeks so that doctors could perform additional tests before concluding that there was no evidence that the cancer had spread.

Judge Cortez has been released from the hospital and was planning on staying with his daughter in San Antonio for a few more days before returning home.

Officials with Hidalgo County were aware of the medical procedure and the functions of county government continue unabated.

“I am eager to get back to work,” Cortez said. “I am thankful for all the expressions of support and the prayers of friends and loved ones.”