Maricela “Mari” De Leon Announces Run for ECISD School Board Pl. 3

San Carlos Native Files for Political Office in Edinburg Texas
Edinburg—Maricela “Mari” De Leon announced her bid for Place 3 on the Edinburg CISD School Board on Monday, Aug. 22, 2022.
“I intend to be an advocate for students, parents, teachers, and district employees,” said Ms. De Leon. “I am a parent-advocate and community leader that brings a new and informed voice to the school board.” Early voting for the election runs from October 24 to November 4, and Election Day is November 8.
Maricela De Leon was born in Edinburg, Texas, and raised in San Carlos. Ms. De Leon holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in Finance and a graduate degree in Public Administration from the University of Texas-Pan American, now UTRGV. She has worked in the legislature from the 78th legislative session in 2005 through 2017. “I bring almost 20 years of experience in Texas state government, serving at the highest levels. I am fully confident in my capacity and ability to profoundly help our Edinburg community reach our goals as a district.”
De Leon is a small business owner located in Edinburg, Texas, and helps other small business owners thrive in their community.
“Edinburg school district employs, over five thousand staff members, and our community deserve an individual who is willing to advocate for their needs to ensure student and employee success,” said Ms. De Leon.
Recently the school board approved a four-percent (4%) salary increase and a $500 stipend, but De Leon said more must be done for teachers and employees. “We must deliver direct classroom support for all educators by ensuring proper allocation and distribution of funding to meet the needs of teachers and students within the classroom. If we want our teachers to produce positive performance ratings, we must ensure they are provided with the tools to succeed.”
“I hope to bring a different and independent perspective to the board” De Leon said. “My voice is informed and ready to speak on behalf of our Learning Community of students, parents, teachers, and district employees. I plan to meet with anyone willing to hear my story, my reasons for running, and my plan to bring back community confidence to our local school board. Our combined efforts will not only help the good people of the Edinburg school district but the people of the Rio Grande Valley as a whole.”
For more information or press inquiries, contact Maricela De Leon at 956-393-9902.