ECISD Receives ‘Clean’ Audit Report

Certified Public Accountant Luis Orozco was hired during the 2021-2022 school year to do the annual audit. The audit covered the Edinburg CISD’s financial operations for the 2021-2022 school year.

“We are rendering an unmodified opinion, which in itself is the cleanest opinion you can get on a set of financial statements.”

The 187-page report provided details on the district’s various revenues and expenditures from all its various projects.

Among the notable points Orozco presented, he said the school district’s original budget had projected a $42,923,589 fund balance at the end of the school year. However, the district instead had a $77,081,873 fund balance. Essentially, the district had saved or not spent $34,158,284. The savings came from a variety of programs and budget controls.

Orozco closed by saying, “We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control or financial reporting that would be considered material weaknesses.”

The report will be sent to the Texas Education Agency as required by state law.