Edinburg To Tackle 8-liners, Mayor Pro-Tem Rules Tonight

Edinburg TX – January 17, 2023

The Edinburg City Commissioners will again address the emerging issue of 8-liners within the city limits. The issue has already come up earlier this month. This will the second reading of the proposed ordinance.

In other business, the Commission will also update the rules for the appointment of the Mayor Pro-Tem position on the Commission. City Attorney Omar Ochoa will present the issue to the Commission.

Under Agenda Item No. 8. B., the Commission will consider an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances at Title III, Administration, Chapter 31, City Council, Section 31.01 Rules and Order of Business for City Council Meetings by Adding Mayor Pro Tem Appointment Procedure.

City Charter Article III, Section 2 requires that the city council appoint a Mayor Pro Tem at the first regular meeting following a City election. The Charter does not preclude appointing a Mayor Pro Tem more frequently. The draft ordinance amends the Rules of the City Council to require that a Mayor Pro Tem be appointed at the first meeting in January each year in addition to after a City election. As drafted, the ordinance says that a Mayor Pro Tem selection would not be required in January if a Mayor Pro Tem was appointed within the prior two months. This accounts for November or December appointments of Mayor Pro Tem after an election.

The ordinance does not preclude the City Council from appointing a Mayor Pro Tem at any time. It provides only an additional requirement for when the City Council must appoint a Mayor Pro Tem.

The Commission had already approved an ordinance banning the 8-liners at its first meeting earlier this month. The Commission will discuss making any changes to the draft ordinance.

In other topics, the board will consider amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 97, Parks and Recreation, Regarding Fees and Rental Terms for City Facilities to Revise Rental Rates, Rental Terms, and/or Provide Additional Authorization for City Administration to Reduce or Waive Rental Rates and Terms.

In executive session, the Commission will consider an agreement with MedCare EMS for ambulance services in the city, among other topics.

In a workshop set for 5:30 pm, the City Commission will review a presentation and Possible Action Regarding the City’s Plan of Finance as presented by the city’s financial advisors, Estrada Hinojosa and Company, Inc. The main focus of the presentation will be on the city’s funding for various projects.

The full agenda can be found here.

The Edinburg City Commission meets the first and third Tuesday of the month at 6 pm at the Edinburg City Commission Chamber at Edinburg City Hall at 415 West University in Edinburg TX.