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Alley Theatre’s “Oskar’s Not So Simple Comeback” To Help Hidalgo County Children Deal With Learning Loss
EDINBURG – Hidalgo County Judge Richard F. Cortez has arranged for a visit to several Hidalgo County schools from “Oskar’s Not So Simple Comeback,” a theatrical performance, by Houston’s Alley Theatre. The Office of Hidalgo County Judge Richard F. Cortez understands the COVID-19 pandemic created a situation for students that caused a sudden need to…

Edinburg Chamber Announces 2022 Man & Woman of the Year
The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the 2022 Man and Woman of the Year are Estella G. Lopez and Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa. Please join us to honor them at the Chamber’s Annual Installation Banquet to be held on Wednesday, November 16 at 6:30 P.M. at the Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance. …

A 7% Solution?
Dr. M. Ray Perryman — November 02, 2022 The rate on 30-year mortgages has topped 7% for the first time in more than 20 years. The sharp rise from about 3% just a year ago is causing fallout for homebuyers and the housing market. While the current situation is going to be costly from several…

Making an Investment
Photo above — UTRGV President Guy Bailey welcomed students to the new Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration program in October. The program, which includes full tuition and fees covered by UTRGV, will be delivered in an accelerated online format, allowing the entire program to be completed in one year by the first of…

Idea Academy Student Arrested For Making Threats To Students, Staff
On Tuesday, November 7th, 2022 an Idea Academy school official contacted the Edinburg Police Department to report that a 16-year-old male student attending the Idea Academy, located in the 3300 block of E. Texas Road, made several verbal threats to staff and other students on November 4th, 2022 during school hours. A school employee and…

Two Re-Elected, One Voted Out, One Run-Off In ECISD Races
Photo above — Letty Flores, newly elected Edinburg CISD trustee, defeated two-term incumbent Oscar Salinas. Edinburg TX — November 9, 2022 Edinburg voters re-elected two school board members, voted out one board member and are set for a run-off. The race for Place 2, newcomer Letty Flores defeated two-term incumber Oscar Salinas by more than…

Hometown Heroes To Be Honored At MOSTHistory
EDINBURG, Texas — The Museum of South Texas History presents “Hometown Heroes of South Texas: A Veterans Day Exhibit” opening Saturday, Nov. 5, at 10 a.m. The Rio Grande Valley has a long history of military service and to commemorate this service, the museum will highlight four individuals who bravely served: Jerry Arteaga, Gina Guajardo,…

Making the Grade
Dr. M. Ray Perryman, October 26, 2022 Recently released test scores show that Texas public schools fared better than many through the pandemic, though ground was clearly lost. In a recent column, I examined scores from the National Center for Education Statistics which indicate the declines in averages at a national level; now, we have…

STC Board Leader Benavidez Named First Latina To Serve As ACCT National Chair
Photo above: STC Board of Trustee Chair Rose Benavidez was recently inaugurated as Chair of the Association of Community College’s Trustees making her the first Latina to hold this distinguished position in the organization’s more than 50-year history. STC photo. South Texas College Board of Trustee Chair Rose Benavidez was recently inaugurated in New York…

HCSO Employee Arrested For Indecency With A Child
The Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office was advised by the Mission Police Department that they were investigating allegations of a Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Deputy committing indecency with a child. Mission PD identified the Deputy as 35 year old Deputy David Munoz. Deputy Munoz started as a Detention Officer with the Sheriff’s Office in 2016 and has…