For all the news about Edinburg, we are your Edinburg online newspaper.

Mayor Garza Announces He Will Not Seek Re-Election

Bobby Pulido May Run For Congress

Valley Teen Traffic Deaths Up as Seat Belt Use Declines

De La Cruz Names Edinburg Students To Military Academies

Edinburg Festivals for 2025

MTC Prison

Prison Contractor MTC Accused Of Billing Texas Millions For Inmate Treatment Programs It Didn’t Provide

Photo above —  Angela Piazza for The Texas Tribune. By Jolie McCullough, The Texas Tribune Nov. 22, 2022 — One of the country’s largest private prison companies has defrauded Texas by collecting millions of dollars for in-prison therapeutic programming it hasn’t provided during the pandemic, a new complaint filed with the state auditor claims. In 2020,…


Texas Energy Officials’ Proposal To Overhaul The Power Grid Is Drawing Skepticism

Photo above — Employees monitor the state power grid at the ERCOT command center in Taylor in 2012. REUTERS/Julia Robinson By Joshua Fechter, The Texas Tribune Nov. 18, 2022 — Texas lawmakers and experts who study the state’s power grid aren’t thrilled with a proposal by state energy officials aimed at preventing future widespread outages such as…

Perryman Column


Dr. M. Ray Perryman  November 16, 2022 — World population recently reached the eight billion milestone according to estimates from the United Nations. That’s up from about 2.5 billion people in 1950, with a gain of a billion since 2010. However, population growth rates are falling, and the total will likely peak at around 10.4 billion…


UT Law School would offer distance-learning in the RGV for first-year law UT students under bill pre-filed by Rep. Terry Canales

In photo above, from left: The 10-member Texas Sunset Advisory Commission, meeting at the Texas Capitol on Thursday, November 10, 2022, include in this image Sen. Charles Perry, R-Lubbock; Rep. Justin Holland, R-Heath; Rep. Terry Canales, D-Edinburg; and Sen. Charles Schwertner, MD, R-Georgetown, Chair. The mission statement of this legislative body, which includes five senators…

Mike Farias

Edinburg CISD Certifies Election Results, Elects New Board Leadership

Photo above — Miguel “Mike” Farias was elected president of the Edinburg CISD Board of Trustees at last Friday’s special called board meeting. Edinburg TX, November 21, 2022 — The Edinburg CISD Board of Trustees elected new officers after canvassing and approving the votes from the November 8 school board election. Miguel “Mike” Farias, Place…

TJJD workers

Pay raises alone won’t solve staffing shortages in “nightmare” Texas youth prisons, ex-workers say

Photo above — Tiffany Jones, a former youth prison officer, cries outside her home in Manor when recalling the trauma she endured at the Giddings State School. Credit: Jordan Vonderhaar for The Texas Tribune By Jolie McCullough, The Texas Tribune, Nov. 17, 2022 “Pay raises alone won’t solve staffing shortages in “nightmare” Texas youth prisons, ex-workers say”…


ECISD Board Members To Be Sworn In On Friday At Noon

EDITOR’S NOTE: This story was edited Nov. 17, 2022, 6:30 a.m., to reflect the correct day, Friday, Nov. 18, for the ECISD Board Meeting. The Edinburg CISD will hold a special called meeting on Friday, Nov. 18, 2022, to canvass the votes for the Nov. 8, 2022 Trustee election and to swear in newly elected…

Perryman Column

The Long‑Term Outlook for the US Economy

Gazing out over the next few decades, I see at least three major challenges confronting the US economy. First, we have to overcome the consequences of the lingering effects of the pandemic, including getting inflation under control, dealing with the inevitable fallout that effort will involve, and working through ongoing supply chain disruptions. Second, we…


Alley Theatre’s “Oskar’s Not So Simple Comeback” To Help Hidalgo County Children Deal With Learning Loss 

EDINBURG – Hidalgo County Judge Richard F. Cortez has arranged for a visit to several Hidalgo County schools from “Oskar’s Not So Simple Comeback,” a theatrical performance, by Houston’s Alley Theatre. The Office of Hidalgo County Judge Richard F. Cortez understands the COVID-19 pandemic created a situation for students that caused a sudden need to…

CC Man & Woman

Edinburg Chamber Announces 2022 Man & Woman of the Year

The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the 2022 Man and Woman of the Year are Estella G. Lopez and Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa. Please join us to honor them at the Chamber’s Annual Installation Banquet to be held on Wednesday, November 16 at 6:30 P.M. at the Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance. …

EDC Hiring

Edinburg EDC Seeks Assistant Executive DirectorStaff Report

Staff Report EDINBURG TX — The Edinburg Economic...
EDC Hiring

Edinburg EDC Seeks Assistant Executive DirectorStaff Report

Staff Report EDINBURG TX — The Edinburg Economic...