For all the news about Edinburg, we are your Edinburg online newspaper.

Mayor Garza Announces He Will Not Seek Re-Election

Bobby Pulido May Run For Congress

Valley Teen Traffic Deaths Up as Seat Belt Use Declines

De La Cruz Names Edinburg Students To Military Academies

Edinburg Festivals for 2025

Edinburg Outside logo

Edinburg Inks Contract With MedCare Ambulance

Edinburg TX — January 18, 2023 The Edinburg City Council approved a contract with MedCare EMS for ambulance services within the City of Edinburg. The Council took the action during last night’s regularly scheduled meeting. The Council took the action after a lengthy executive session during which the board discussed a number of items. After…

Smart Start Webinar

UTRGV SBDC To Host ‘Smart Start’ Webinar

EDINBURG, TX – Do you have a business idea? Are you interested in starting your own business? This webinar will provide you with the information and steps necessary for a smart start, plus get you ready for your one-to-one, business advisement session for ongoing assistance! This webinar is presented by the UTRGV SBDC with promotional support…

Finish the Five

Texas Teens Embark On Quest To Shut Down Texas’ Last 5 Youth Prisons

Photo above: Members of the Finish the 5 Coalition march to the Texas Capitol on Jan. 10, 2023. The youth-led group gathered to advocate for closing youth prisons in Texas. Credit: Sergio Flores for The Texas Tribune Spurred by reports of inhumane conditions at Texas Juvenile Justice Department facilities, Austin-area teenagers are lobbying the Legislature…

class photo

Edinburg CISD Enrollment Up 5.6%

Edinburg TX – January 12, 2023 The Edinburg CISD saw a dramatic rise in enrollment this school year. Dr. Eduardo J. Moreno, Assistant Superintendent for Technology Services Division, told ECISD Board members that enrollment was up as of the student census taken on January 6, 2023, during their first meeting of 2023. Moreno said the…


ECISD Intruder Detection Audits Completed

Edinburg TX — January 16, 2022 The Edinburg CISD completed its required Facility Safety and Security Audits, including intruder campus detection protocols, as required by the state of Texas. ECISD Jesse Garza insurance manager reported during last week’s board meeting that the district had completed the state mandated audits. He pointed out that changes had…


ECISD Receives ‘Clean’ Audit Report

Certified Public Accountant Luis Orozco was hired during the 2021-2022 school year to do the annual audit. The audit covered the Edinburg CISD’s financial operations for the 2021-2022 school year. “We are rendering an unmodified opinion, which in itself is the cleanest opinion you can get on a set of financial statements.” The 187-page report…


No Injuries Reported In Edinburg School Bus Accident

Edinburg, TX – January 13, 2023 On Thursday, January 12, 2023 around 2:00 pm, an Edinburg CISD school bus was involved in an accident with a passenger car. There were no injuries as a result of the accident Edinburg police units were dispatched to the intersection of Canton Road and 24th street. Upon arrival, officers observed…

Mario Salinas

ECISD Pushes For Funding Equity, Reducing Burden For Taxpayers

Photo Above: Dr. Mario H. Salinas, Edinburg CISD Superintendent of Schools “This is not mean to disparage South Texas ISD,” Edinburg CISD Superintendent Mario Salinas stated as the urged the ECISD Board of Trustees to support a move to change the taxing structure for South Texas ISD and reduce the tax burden for local taxpayers.…

Margarita Longoria

MOST History Seminar Features Writers Compiling Personal Stories To Share Borderland Identity

Photo above: Margarita Longoria, speaker at MOST History Sunday Speaker Series. EDINBURG, Texas — The Sunday Speaker Series presentation “Living Beyond Borders: Growing up Mexican in America Book Plática” will feature panelists Margarita Longoria, Trinidad Gonzales and Sylvia Sánchez Garza at 2 p.m. Jan. 15 in the museum’s Courtyard Gallery. In this mixed-media collection of…

Las Huellas Association

Las Huellas Association creates endowed fund at UTRGV for student scholarships

Above: Pictured (left) are Las Huellas Association board members Ronald Humphrey and Nick Tipton, Vice President and Treasurer Russell Adams, Steve Garza, President Edward Mathers, Secretary Monica Garza, UTRGV President Guy Bailey, and board members Ricardo Adobbati, Rusty Young, Brad Wolfe, Ross Bland and Bryant Kennedy. (Courtesy Photo) By Kelli Quin, RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS…

Edinburg City Hall

Edinburg City Council to Consider Awarding $6.2M Downtown Parking Garage Project Tonight

Staff Report Edinburg, TX — The Edinburg City...
Edinburg City Hall

Edinburg City Council to Consider Awarding $6.2M Downtown Parking Garage Project Tonight

Staff Report Edinburg, TX — The Edinburg City...