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UTRGV Ballet Folklórico Presents Its Annual Production – Alegría
Photo above: UTRGV Ballet Folklórico presents Alegría, a dance production that has become a tradition in the Rio Grande Valley. The dates are Feb 3, 4, 5 and 10, 11, 12 at the UTRGV Performing Arts Complex on the Edinburg Campus, and March 26 at the TSC Performing Arts Center in Brownsville. (Photo Courtesy of…

ECISD Board Renews Superintendent’s Contract While Personnel Director And Payroll Director Contracts Terminated
Above: ECISD Superintendent Dr. Mario H. Salinas. Edinburg TX — January 25, 2023 The contract for Edinburg CISD’s superintendent, Dr. Mario Salinas, was renewed at last night’s Board of Trustees meeting. Listed as “Consideration of and Possible Action Regarding Evaluation, Contract, and Compensation for Superintendent of Schools,” the item was one of several discussed behind…

STC Holds Training For Suicide Prevention In Law Enforcement
Photo above: Michael Mata, Texas Law Enforcement Peer Network regional director, trained members of the local police on counseling peers who may be suffering from mental health issues at STC’s Regional Center for Public Safety Excellence – STC photo Selene Rodriguez – January 24, 2023 Texas leads the nation in the number of law enforcement officers who…

STC Named A “Top Texas Community College” For 2023
Photo above: South Texas College is starting this new year as one of the top community colleges in Texas for online and in-person learning. — Photo by STC Amanda Sotelo — January 24, 2023 South Texas College is starting this new year as one of the best community colleges in Texas for online and in-person…

Moving Forward: UTRGV Chess Team advances to Final Four
Photo above: UTRGV Chess Team members compete at the 2023 Pan-American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship this month. With 85 teams representing 44 universities, UTRGV earned a spot in the coveted Final Four of Chess: Team A placed third and Team B placed fourth. Team A will continue on to represent UTRGV in the Final Four. (Courtesy…

January 31st Is The Deadline for Paying Property Taxes
Edinburg, Texas – January 31, 2023, is the last day that 2022 taxes may be paid without penalties and interest. Mailed in payments are considered timely if postmarked by January 31, 2023. The Hidalgo County Tax Office business hours are weekdays from 8 a.m. thru 4:30 p.m. at the following locations: EDINBURG MAIN OFFICE 2804 S. Business…

The Legacy Of J.T. Canales And The Texas Rangers
EDINBURG, Texas — The Museum of South Texas History welcomes educator Juan Carmona to present during the Sunday Speaker Series, “Words from the 1919 Canales Commission on the Texas Rangers,” at 2 p.m. on Jan. 29. Carmona, accompanied by Donna High School students in the dual enrollment Mexican American Studies program, will share the legacy…

ECISD Superintendent’s Contract Up For Review
Edinburg TX — January 23, 2023 The contract for Edinburg CISD’s superintendent, Dr. Mario Salinas, will be on the agenda at Tuesday night’s Board of Trustees meeting. Listed as “Consideration of and Possible Action Regarding Evaluation, Contract, and Compensation for Superintendent of Schools,” the item is set for discussion behind closed doors during the Board’s…

Edinburg Inks Contract With MedCare Ambulance
Edinburg TX — January 18, 2023 The Edinburg City Council approved a contract with MedCare EMS for ambulance services within the City of Edinburg. The Council took the action during last night’s regularly scheduled meeting. The Council took the action after a lengthy executive session during which the board discussed a number of items. After…

UTRGV SBDC To Host ‘Smart Start’ Webinar
EDINBURG, TX – Do you have a business idea? Are you interested in starting your own business? This webinar will provide you with the information and steps necessary for a smart start, plus get you ready for your one-to-one, business advisement session for ongoing assistance! This webinar is presented by the UTRGV SBDC with promotional support…