City Of Edinburg Enters Water Conservation Stage 2

EDINBURG, TX – The City of Edinburg is now entering stage 2 of the water its conservation plan. Residents will be able to continue to use water inside their homes as usual; however, residents may not use water for non-essential purposes. This mandatory compliance is effective August 05, 2022.
There will be an enforcement starting with a verbal warning, continuing with a verbal warning, leading up to a citation up to $200.
For more information or questions, call 311 or (956) 388-8212 (Monday – Friday from 8a.m. to 5p.m.) or the Water Plant (956) 388-8220 (After hours and weekends).
The new rules allow residents to water on the following days:
Odd address numbers: Wednesdays & Saturdays
- Even address numbers: Thursdays & Sundays
- Residential Watering Hours: 12am – 10am & 6pm – 11:59pm
- Exceptions allowed for commercial nurseries, commercial sod farmers and similar situated establishments.
- The irrigation of lawns, gardens, landscaped areas, trees, shrubs, or other plants is permitted at anytime, on designated irrigation days, if using a handheld hose; a handheld, faucet-filled bucket of
- five (5) gallons or less is used; or a drip irrigation system is used.
- Washing of vehicles, trailers, boats, airplanes and other mobile equipment: 6pm – 11:59pm; use of handheld hose and bucket required.
- Exception – commercial carwash or commercial service station, garbage trucks and vehicles to transport food and perishables.
- Washing/Sprinkling Foundations: 6pm – 11:59pm
- Refilling/Adding of water to residential swimming and/or wading pools: 8pm – 11:59pm
- Ornamental Fountains or other structures with similar use of water: Prohibited unless has recycling system.
- Golf Courses: 8pm – 11:59pm; unless irrigation system uses recycled water.
- Fire Hydrants: Limited to fire fighting.
Residents will be able to use water inside their homes as usual; however, water use for non-essential purposes is restricted.
- “Waste of Water” Prohibited:
- Allowing water to run off into a gutter, ditch, or drain;
- Failure to repair a controllable leak;
- Washing sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios, or other paved areas, except to alleviate immediate fire hazards.
- 1st offense – Verbal warning and educational process.
- 2nd offense – Written warning and educational process.
- 3rd offense – Citation up to $200 per violation & completion of a mandatory educational program or possible disconnect (to continue until fines are paid and the educational program is completed).