Hidalgo County Judge Responds To Texas Ag Commissioner’s Order to Redirect Rio Grande Water

Staff Report

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller has issued an executive order allowing farmers and ranchers in the Rio Grande Valley to draw excess water from the Rio Grande for irrigation. The move comes after heavy rainfall in Mexico caused significant runoff from the Marte Gomez reservoir, sending surplus water into the Gulf of Mexico.

The order redirects this water to Texas communities, farmers, and ranchers, aiming to prevent waste and provide much-needed relief for agricultural operations. Miller emphasized the importance of using the excess water to benefit Texans rather than letting it flow into the Gulf.

“Enough is enough,” Miller said, noting the need to support the agricultural industry, particularly given ongoing concerns over Mexico’s underdelivery of water through the 1944 Water Treaty.

Hidalgo County Judge Richard F. Cortez responded to Miller’s order with appreciation, highlighting the economic importance of agriculture in the region.

“We appreciate the action taken by Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller,” Cortez said. “Citrus and other agricultural products have been an economic mainstay of the region for generations, and this action may provide some needed relief to those industries as well as our ranch operations.”

Cortez also expressed hope for continued collaboration to address long-term water supply solutions for both municipalities and agricultural needs in the area.

Source: Texas Department of Agriculture, Hidalgo County