Hidalgo County releases executive summary of engineering assessment of the new courthouse

Edinburg TX, July 19, 2023 – In an effort to provide the public with the latest information on the courthouse project, Hidalgo County is releasing an executive summary of an engineering firm’s assessment of construction issues involving the new courthouse.
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Because of continued delays and requests for extensions by the contractor, Hidalgo County engaged an independent engineering firm – Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates (WJE) – to conduct an assessment of the ongoing construction of the new Hidalgo County Courthouse in April 2023. WJE has provided the County with a comprehensive Building Enclosure Condition Assessment report that included looking into concerns regarding construction issues that are related to the exterior envelope of the courthouse structure.
Because the preliminary report contains detailed schematic and photographic information about the courthouse that included safety and security features, Hidalgo County is releasing a four-page executive summary of the report that does not include this detailed safety and security information.
The Hidalgo County Commissioners Court continues to review the report and is considering appropriate and/or necessary actions to address the contractor’s ongoing inability to complete the Courthouse project.
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According to the executive summary, the farm reviewed various elements of the building’s construction, including the roof the glazed curtain wall the stucco the punch windows the ceramic panels. This included visual surveys, infrared roof moisture surveys, limited facade and interior moisture surveys, and a differential pressure survey.
With respect to the roof, the the engineering form firm reported that the majority of the roof covering and flashings appear to be in fair condition, with isolated areas in poor condition. Numerous areas of ponding water and sedimentation staining are apparent due to improper underlying tapered insulation and cricket installation, resulting in inadequate or interrupted roof slope to drains. In general, various roof systems components are not installed in accordance with the project specifications or the roofing membrane manufacturers installation instructions. As such the firm recommended performing roof repairs and or localized removal and replacement, as required, in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions for the roof to reach its serviceable condition and achieve the manufacturer’s warranty.
With respect to the glazed curtain wall, the engineers reported that the curtain wall system materials and IGU’s are in good condition and representative of new construction. The condition of rain screen gasketing and issues regarding interfacing with various adjacent building enclosure components should be addressed prior to final completion. The general condition of the rain screen gaskets is more of an aesthetic concern than a performance concern, though further investigation should be conducted regarding out of plane IGPU conditions and the existence of joint sealant between IGU in lieu of rainscreen gaskets. As such the firm recommended that damaged or displaced vertical rainscreen gaskets be removed and replaced, and the specified roofing to curtain wall interfaces should be completed.
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In examining the stucco, the engineers noted that the stucco assembly includes continuous exterior insulation installed between the air and weather barrier and a second layer of gypsum sheathing. The second layer of gypsum sheathing installed outboard of the installation and a WB is moisture resistant. However, it is not intended to endure prolonged saturation. In general, installing moisture sensitive materials outboard of the AWB layer is not ideal in any climate. Additionally, restrained differential movement between the stucco and gypsum sheathing substrate can result in cracks and further stucco deterioration. Cracks wider than hairline were observed at some locations, which suggests that the sources of the cracking is due to other factors than normal curing shrinkage. The horizontal cracks near the wall base, where the stucco assembly terminates directly onto the concrete flatwork, is likely due to restrain differential movement that can occur with normal thermal and moisture induced expansion causes the stucco panel to volumetrically expand toward the concrete flatwork.
The engineers recommended that the assembly be further investigated to determine if moisture has the ability to enter the system, as well as to determine the general construction of the assembly and integration with adjacent cladding and windows.
In review in reviewing the punched windows, the engineers noted that previously failed water testing is likely a result of improper cladding termination at window perimeters, however, diagnostic testing and investigation of windows perimeter cladding terminations is required to form a definitive opinion. The testing, as it currently stands, should be resumed and completed after further investigation is performed and once the punched window and adjacent enclosure component repairs are completed. They also recommended that further diagnosed diagnostic testing be conducted of punched windows and the transitions to adjacent cladding systems to determine the source of water intrusion. Once diagnostic testing resumes and is conducted, the construction and design team should come to a consensus for proper repair for the current field condition.
The ceramic panels appear to be in good condition, and the previously reported damage displacement, and vertical offset conditions were not apparent during the limited visual survey. The engineers recommend that damaged or displaced rainscreen gaskets be either reengaged or removed and replaced.
In closing their preliminary report, the engineers cautioned that other conditions may exist or develop over time that may not have been reviewed during these this recent assessment.new paragraph The dalgo county commissioners court will review the report and order action is needed.
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