Edinburg City Council Goes Through Light Agenda

Edinburg TX, June 21, 2023 – The Edinburg City Council managed to go through a relatively short agenda during their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday of this week.
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Most of the items were routine matters that included public hearings, approval of purchases and contracts and board appointments.
The Council re-appointed Moises Segovia to another term on the Airport Advisory Board of South Texas International Airport of Edinburg.
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Roman Rodriguez was re-appointed to the Civil Service Commission.
Three members of the Public Safety Board were reappointed: Sonia Enriquez, Orlando Olivarez, and Jaime Guzman. Johnny Hernandez was also appointed to the board.
On the Recreation and Parks Board, Ron Jackson was re-appointed, and Rick Olivarez was added.
In executive session, the Council had on its agenda consultation with the City Attorney and Possible Action Regarding Parking Garage Construction Agreement with Hidalgo County. However, no action was announced or taken on the matter once the Council returned to public session.
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