Hidalgo County Drainage District No. 1 Proposes $195M Bond Vote May 6
The bond election would have ZERO impact on the tax rate, district claims.
EDINBURG, TX March 29, 2023

In its ongoing effort to mitigate flood problems and increase local drainage capacity during major rain events, the Hidalgo County Drainage District No. 1 is proposing a $195 million bond package during the upcoming May 6 election.
Hidalgo County Drainage District No. 1 manages the Hidalgo County Master Drainage System, which directs rain, run-off and flood waters away from populated and farmlands toward either the Rio Grande or toward the Laguna Madre along the coast. The Hidalgo County Commissioners and County Judge serve as the board of directors for the drainage district.
According to a release from Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez, the bond package would have no impact on the district’s tax rate.
“We have been aggressively improving drainage infrastructure throughout the County,” said Raul E. Sesin, PE, CFM District General Manager of Hidalgo County Drainage District No. 1. “With proper funding in place, the District is able to accelerate projects more rapidly to completion.”
The bond package will have no impact on Hidalgo County Drainage District No. l’s tax rate due to a combination of aggressively and responsibly managing the pay down of current debt while paying off previous bond debt.
The Drainage District has identified 26 major projects which primarily focus on expansion of HCDD1 main drains that would increase capacity and upgrade infrastructure in the drainage system..
Early voting for the election runs from April 24 through May 2 and election day is set
for Saturday, May 6.