No Action Taken On Changing Edinburg City Manager’s ‘Duties And Responsibilities’

Edinburg TX — December 7, 2022, The Edinburg Advocate staff report
After a three-hour closed door session that listed six items, the Edinburg City Council took no action on changing City Manager Myra Ayala’s duties and responsibilities during last night’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting.
According to the city’s website, the city manager’s duties include:
“As directed by Mayor and City Council, the City Manager’s Office provides direction and leadership for all municipal services.
The City Manager is responsible for:
- Serving as Chief Administrative Officer
- General administration of City
- Program coordination
- Preparation of special staff reports and surveys
- Development of program and policy alternatives
- Implementation of policies adopted by City Council
- Provides regular information to City Council on the status of projects and programs
- Meets with residents, community groups, public/private entities regarding City matters
- Formulation and administration of City budget
The City Manager also establishes annual goals and objectives to ensure an efficient and effective municipal operation. The council-manager form is the system of local government that combines the strong political leadership of elected officials in the form of a council or other governing body, with the strong managerial experience of an appointed local government manager.”
After exiting the executive session and going back into public session, the Council approved action on only two items.
The Council voted to direc the city manager to bring back to the coucil the Medcare agreement after review and revising as discussed in executive session for possible approval at a future meeting.
The Council also approved renewing the franchise tax agreement with Texas gas.
The Council took no action on the other four items listed for discussion in executive action.