Shelly Duffey Files For ECISD Pl. 5 Seat

Shelly Duffey, a physical therapy business owner, announced a run for the Edinburg School District’s Place 5 seat.
“Hello friends and residents of Edinburg! My name is Shelly Duffey and I am your candidate for Edinburg School Board PL 5,” Duffey said. “With complete support from my family and friends, I have decided to seek this position to bring my love for helping others to the forefront of my campaign for the students, community, and people.”
Duffey was born and raised in Edinburg and played various sports throughout my elementary, middle school, and high school years. “Having played these sports, I know the importance of teamwork, dedication, discipline, and hard work,” she added.
Duffey said, “ECISD has put me on the path to achieve my goals and live my dream as a Physical Therapist and owner of my own rehabilitation clinic.”
Duffey said she intends to give every student at ECISD the same opportunity to achieve their dreams.
“I was not asked to run, nor is my campaign being funded by anyone, Duffey stated. “Never has it been more important to elect a candidate who can represent YOUR voice. Together WE will be determined, WE will be dedicated, WE will be disciplined…WE are products of ECISD and that is why I’m running for you, to put ECISD first!”
The election is November 8, 2022. Duffey is listed second on the Place 5 ballot.