Letty Flores Files For ECISD Place 2 Seat

Letty Flores announced her run for the Edinburg CISD Place 2 position as an independent candidate.
“I’m running for Edinburg Consolidated Independent School District Place 2 in this coming November election because I want to reassure the safety and well being of all our ECISD employees, students, and parents,” Flores said. “I will restore confidence between the parents and the school staff so that their children will be safe while under the care of the district by looking for resources to continue to train our police officers and security.”
Flores added that her goal is for every student to have the same opportunity to have a safe learning space and open more doors for a brighter future.
“It is my priority to make sure that teachers have the necessary supplies and resources to help our students succeed. I will be your voice to make sure that every single employee is treated with respect because every position is important and should be treated as such.”
Flores said that she will also create a direct line to connect the parents with all school board members and administration to achieve transparency in the district and to follow through with accountability.
“It’s time to ‘MOVE FORWARD’ to make ECISD the BEST District for our future leaders,”
“I’m the daughter of Gudran and Eva Flores(+),” Flores said, “who have been very instrumental in my life, and who attended Edinburg Consolidated Independent School District as well as my three children. I’m a proud grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren.”
“I believe in giving back to my community and have served in a number of organizations for over seven years,” Flores said. She has served as an Edinburg Crime Stoppers Board Officer, Edinburg Chamber Ambassador, Edinburg Chamber Ambassador of the year 2019, Leadership Edinburg Class 32, Leadership Edinburg Steering Committee, Edinburg Cultural Advocacy, and the Community in School board.
“I humbly appreciate your vote, support and prayers as I begin this Journey,” Flores said. She is listed as the second candidate on the Place 2 ballot.